Collectieve kortingen

Collectieve korting op uw verzekeringen/
Collective discounts

Via KCS kan je kortingen krijgen op de premie van verzekeringen tegen o.a. verlies aan inkomen bij arbeidsongeschiktheid, ziektekostenverzekeringen, aanvullende nabestaandenvoorzieningen bij overlijden en andere particuliere verzekeringen. De korting verschilt per verzekering en geldt zowel voor u als voor uw meeverzekerde familieleden.

Bij Centraal beheer geeft u het volgende collectiviteitsnummer door; 75062

Bij CZ geeft u het volgende collectiviteitsnummer door; 1740

Bij Loyalis geeft u het volgende werkgeversnummer door; 8000155

Loyalis: Ga naar (en geef ‘Kub Career Services BV’ in de zoekbalk in en/ of) onder vermelding van werkgeversnummer 8000155.

Als medewerker van KCS ontvangt u bij blijvende arbeidsongeschiktheid na 104 weken arbeidsongeschiktheid: een WIA-uitkering van het UWV en van het pensioenfonds ABP een aanvulling: het zgn. ABP Arbeids-ongeschiktheidspensioen, het AAOP. In een aantal situaties kan arbeidsongeschiktheid leiden tot een aanzienlijke inkomensterugval. Door een aanvullende arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering af te sluiten kunt u deze inkomensterugval zoveel mogelijk beperken bij zowel gedeeltelijke als volledige arbeidsongeschiktheid. Deze verzekering is een aanvulling op de WIA uitkering en het AAOP.

U hebt de keuze uit 3 varianten:
• een dekking bij gedeeltelijke arbeidsongeschiktheid;
• een dekking bij volledige arbeidsongeschiktheid en;
• een dekking voor zowel gedeeltelijke als volledige arbeidsongeschiktheid.

De voordelen
• altijd minstens 70% inkomen tot uw eigen AOW leeftijd
• lage premie: 22% collectiviteitskorting en daarnaast belastingvoordeel
• de premie is niet afhankelijk van uw leeftijd
• geen medische vragen binnen 6 maanden na indiensttreding
• eenvoudige premiebetaling (via maandelijkse inhouding op uw brutosalaris)

De maandelijks inhouding op uw brutosalaris levert direct een fiscaal voordeel op afhankelijk van het belastingpercentage dat u betaalt (tussen de 37% en 51%).

Ga naar (en geef ‘Kub Career Services BV’ in de zoekbalk in en/ of) onder vermelding van werkgeversnummer 8000155.

Voor meer informatie kun je contact opnemen met de Klantenservice van Loyalis. De contactpersoon voor KCS is Lisette Niemeyer (accountmanager Loyalis); telefonisch bereikbaar via telefoonnummer 045-6459190. Op werkdagen bereikbaar van 8.00 uur tot 17.30 uur.


Through the university, thus (also) KCS bv., you can get discounts on the contributions for insurances against loss of income in the event of incapacity for work, health insurance, additional provision for dependants and other private insurances.
You are eligible for an attractive staff discount if you take out collective health insurance. You will receive a discount on both the basic and supplementary insurance. This also applies to your partner and children who belong to your family.

As a member of the collective contract, you will also be eligible for higher and additional reimbursement payments if you take out one or more supplementary insurance policies with CZ. When applying, do not forget to mention the collective insurance number;1740.
And for Centraal beheer (for the attention of private insurances), the collective insurance number is; 75062.

Invalidity Insurance Act
On 1 January 2006, the statutory regulations governing occupational disability underwent fundamental revision. This prompted the organizations representing employers and employees within the Government & Education sector to introduce changes to the ABP pension scheme with effect from 1 January 2007. Starting in 2007, the supplementary Invalidity Pension from ABP was replaced by the ABP Occupational Disability Pension (abbreviated in Dutch to AAOP). In certain situations, these changes can result in a significant drop in income if you have not taken out supplementary occupational disability insurance. The most important changes are explained in more detail below.

First of all, the Invalidity Insurance Act (Wet op de Arbeidsongeschiktheidverzekering or WAO in Dutch) has been superseded by the Work and Income according to Capacity for Work Act (Wet Werk en Inkomen naar Arbeidsvermogen, WIA). This new legislation applies to all employees who become or became incapacitated on or after 1 January 2004. In addition, with effect from 1 January 2007, the ABP replaced its invalidity pension, the IP, with the ABP Occupational Disability Pension, the AAOP. This means that the IP no longer provides a financial supplement to the WAO and is replaced by the AAOP. This plan provides a general financial top-up to WIA benefits, both in the case of partial and complete occupational disability.

Despite this new AAOP, there can still be a very significant loss of income in certain cases, especially in the case of partial occupational disability. In order to provide cover for these financial risks, a number of banks and insurance companies have developed supplementary occupational disability insurance. KCS bv. offers this kind of insurance underwritten by Loyalis Verzekeringen, with attractive staff discounts. Of course, whether you wish to take out this insurance remains a personal decision. Currently, many KCS bv/ Tilburg University staff have already taken advantage of this kind of supplementary occupational disability insurance with Loyalis. This supplementary insurance, the IP supplementary plan, is offered by Loyalis as a supplement to the WIA benefits and the AAOP. The cover provided by this insurance has been designed to reflect the new ABP pension plan. For further information, see The premium is tax-deductible and is withheld from gross salary.

Premium for IP supplementary plan for KCS bv. staff 2012 (excludes tax break):
• 0.445% of your gross monthly salary for complete cover;
• 0.153% for an additional 10 % in the event of complete occupational disability;
• 0.292% for an additional 70% in the event of partial occupational disability.

These premiums are the same, irrespective of age, gender or profession.

Want to apply?
If you wish to take out insurance with Loyalis, you can apply directly on the Loyalis website van Loyalis . If you have worked at the University for longer than six months, you will need to complete two health questions.

Does it make sense to take out insurance for partial occupational disability after the age of 57.5?
Until recently, employees who already had IPAP insurance from Loyalis received written notification at the age of 57.5 that the insurance for partial occupational disability was no longer necessary. However, as a result of changes in legislation, it is now important to have this insurance again (until the age of 60). If you have stopped this portion of the IPAP for this reason, Loyalis will provide you with financial compensation without charging any premium in the event of permanent partial occupational disability, in accordance with partial occupational disability cover.

Further information?
Contact the Loyalis customer service via telephonenumber 045-6459190. the contact for KCS is Lisette Niemeyer (accountmanager Loyalis). On working days from 8.00 until 19.00 (and/or go to (enter the following in the search field, ‘Kub Career Services BV’). the collective insurance number is 8000155.